7 profound stories about happiness, meaning of life

The more you try to find happiness, wealth, the more you will never get those things. The biggest problem for humans is that they try too much, force things they can't or can't have. There are immutable things in life, only when you understand that happiness is too simple.

1. The frog is dumbfounded and the lesson ignores gossip

A group of frogs is moving through the forest when 2 frogs unfortunately fall into a deep pit. The other frogs looked at how deep the hole was and concluded that the hole was too deep to get out. They advised the 2 frogs to keep their strength, because there was no hope.

Ignoring those words, the two frogs that fell into the pit still tried to find a way out of the pit. The frogs on the crater not only did not encourage but also advised them to give up.

One of the frogs after several attempts to jump was exhausted and accepted to let go. Meanwhile, the remaining frog jumped even more energetically and eventually he jumped with all his strength out of the hole.

When outside, the other frogs asked, "Did you not hear us say anything?". The little frog explained that because he was deaf, he thought that the whole group of frogs had encouraged him to try to jump out.

Lesson: The words of people around you can have a big impact on your life, but you shouldn't spend time with people who only "drain" your happiness. You have no control over what will happen to your life but you can control the way you react to this world.

2. A pound of butter and fraud

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who often sold avocado to a baker. One day, the baker decided to re-weigh the avocado he bought to check if the farmer was selling the exact amount of avocado he requested. He discovered that the amount of avocado was not the same as the actual agreement and sued the farmer for trial.

The judge asked the farmer what method he used to weigh the amount of avocado sold. The farmer replied, Sir, I don't have any exact measuring instrument, but I have something to know the amount of butter.

"So how did you weigh the butter?".

"Sir, before the baker bought my butter, I was buying a pound of his bread. Every day, when the baker brought bread, I put it on the scale and gave it back to him." the amount of butter has the same weight as the bread. If someone cheats, then it's you making a cake. ”

Lesson: You will get back what you give. The lie will be rewarded with fraud many times.

3. The rock in the middle of the road and the reward for those who overcome obstacles

In a certain kingdom, the king wanted to test his heart, so he sent him to place a large rock in the middle of a road many people passed by. Later, the king impersonated an ordinary person to see who would move the rock from the road. Many wealthy merchants, courtiers of the king had gone through the path, but they only circled the stone.

Many people even blame the king for not taking measures to keep the roads clear, but nobody did anything to solve the problem.

One day, a farmer brought vegetables to market. As he approached the rock, he put the vegetable burden down and tried to find a way to push the rock out of the way. After pushing the stone away, the farmer discovered a bag with a lot of gold coins and a letter from the king saying: The gold in the bag is for the person who removed the rock from the road.

Lesson: Every obstacle we encounter is an opportunity to improve ourselves. While the lazy people complain, others are creating opportunities with a kind heart, kindness and willingness to do everything.

4. Cocoon and butterfly

A man finds a cocoon of caterpillars. The worm seems to be trying to squeeze out of the cocoon. The man sat down and looked at the cocoon for hours, but it seemed that the caterpillar struggled so hard and only made a tiny hole. Suddenly it stopped and seemed exhausted, deadlocked.

The man decided to help the butterfly get out by using the scissors to cut the hole in the cocoon a little bit wider. After that, the small butterfly was able to break out of the cocoon more easily but its body seemed to be weak, limp wings.

The man is still there, waiting for the butterfly wings to spread and the butterfly to fly. However, that never happened. The butterfly will only be able to live the rest of its life by crawling with a disabled body and crouching wings. It can never fly,

Although the man is kind, he doesn't understand the laws of nature. The narrow cocoon is a challenge for the caterpillar to become a butterfly. Only the effort to escape the cocoon by itself, the liquid in the deep body will transfer to the wings, helping it to fly freely.

Lesson: The battle with life helps us develop strength. Without fighting, we are never grown up and stronger. Solving problems on your own, not relying on others is very important for you to be stable in life.

5. Pursue happiness

An old man living in a small village, the whole village feels bothered because he always complains, making the people around feel moody. Increasingly, he made everyone around him uncomfortable. He always makes those who meet him feel unhappy. Therefore, all the people in the village tried their best to avoid facing him.

But one day, when the old man turned 80, people were surprised by the rumor: “Today is a happy day for the old man. He did not complain anything. He did not grimace, even smiled a lot. "

The villagers gathered around the man and asked, "What happened to you?"

"Nothing special. For the past 80 years I've been trying to pursue happiness but to no avail. I just decided to live without happiness, just enjoy the present. Amazingly, that was when I felt the happiest ever. ”

Lesson: Do not pursue happiness. Just enjoy your life, happiness will come.

6. Few people are happy to hear a joke many times

People in a village often look to a wise man for advice on life issues. Many people come many times to complain about the same problem in life. One day, the wise man decided to tell a joke and made everyone laugh.

A few minutes later, he told the joke again but only a few smiled.

The wise man later told the story a third time, but no one laughed anymore.

At that time, he smiled and said: You can't laugh when you hear a joke 3 times. So why are you crying because of the same problem so many times?

Lesson: Anxiety, fear don't solve problems, it just wastes your time and energy.

7. Greedy lion

It was an extremely hot day and the lion felt very hungry. He wandered foraging but found only a small rabbit. However, when trying to catch the bait, the lion wondered a little that the small rabbit would not be enough to fill him up.

At that moment, the lion saw a knitting deer approaching, and he thought, "Instead of grabbing that little rabbit, I'll catch that deer."

The lion let the rabbit escape and followed the deer, but in the end, the deer disappeared in the forest. The lion is back where he was, but the rabbit has long since disappeared.

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